Deltaper Investments was created in 1996 and focuses on start-up and seed capital investments.
The company is based in Lisbon.
Its shareholders have several years of expertise in areas such as investment management, equities, hedge funds, capital markets, research, structured financial products, buyouts, mergers and acquisitions, private equity, venture capital, financial markets and business management.
Deltaper Investments has invested and divested in several businesses, and has currently a portfolio of over 20 companies.
- Specialist VC company with strong fundamentals and sustainable business structures in strategic markets;
- Top-of-mind VC brand in targeted markets;
- Inclusive business culture with high levels of motivation, satisfaction, loyalty, joy and employee retention.
Our corporate view
- Management team expertise;
- Strong and reputed capital partners;
- Managers and employees focused on each of the business lines;
- Commercial and cost synergies between business areas;
- Ethics and trustworthiness;
- Access to pool of talent, either in-house or outsourced;
- Access to best-in-class technology solutions.